Unrelated emails in Emails & Activity widget

I am currently using the Emails & Activity widget for a client, but for some reason there are emails popping up in there that are not related to the email in the email column, is this happening to more people and how to fix it? Hope to hear something :slight_smile:


We have a Monday board for customer support and this is something we have also noticed. It seems that the app is capturing all emails to and from the email address provided in the support request form. This is very undesirable as emails completely unrelated to the related support issue (sometimes of confidential nature from our management) are being brought into view of everyone in our support team. We see there is a way to only log/show outgoing emails using a Monday BCC but there is no such thing for incoming emails from that email address. We are using a third party app to generate a unique ID for each support ticket (pulse), so it would be good to have the emails and activities app only log/show emails related to that particular ticket number.

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In our case it’s a little different. There are actually emails that have nothing to do with the specific client.

We don’t have any confidential info that we want to filter but for example:

The emails that pop up in emails and activity column, are actually nothing related to that email, neither from or to that email so it is a mess and we have no idea why that is or how to filter it to just the person in the email column.

Does this maybe have something to do with the persons in the assignee column and their e-mail?

Hope to get answers soon :slight_smile:

The assignee email could also play a role but I’m not sure. Someone noted that Monday used another platform to handle their own customer support instead of their own native Monday which indicated that it is not optimal for the job.

We have this issue as well, and have confidential information that risks getting seen. One of the main reasons we signed up for Monday was because of the ability to keep all of the emails together, but this is proving to be one of the biggest headaches we have, and I’m getting feedback from my team on a daily basis with their frustration.

Yep I am having the same problem as well Did anybody manage to fix it

I have been able to fix it for what it was causing on my end, the module picks up all emails from all items that are in the “connect boards” column too. If the item in the other board has a email column it will show it from that too.

Has anyone figured out if the “Person” is also related to this issue?

This is a big problem for us as well as we have a ton of internal messages between team members in random emails and activities widgets

Many of the emails only have internal people in the To / CC / BCC fields but they are in the clients emails and activities widget

Then we have a ton of totally unrelated messages coming into others

Getting messages between a rep and Client B inside Client A’s record

Hi Jade,

For us it was the “connected board” columns. Which retrieves any e-mail activity from e-mails filled in any e-mail column of any of the connected items.

Regarding internal people you could check the privacy settings in the widgets, which they select as public or private or something in that sense.

So this setting here: Default Sharing - inside the emails and activities widget
 Do you have “Just Me” for everyones account?

Having the same issues and the support keeps telling me its how it was intended and that this has been how it built. I had no issues with the activity/emails until the “New” Email junk came out.

It has pulled all of my personal emails into the email and activities, completely unrelated emails its a huge privacy issue.

I am having the same issue as you, started with this new update

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Is there any fix for this? We are having the same issue. Strange issue is that ours is only related to a particular ‘type’ of response from a form we created. So strange.

Did you find a solution for this?
I have the same problem.

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Also having the same issue. I’ve escalated this with our internal IT group that is supposed to support Monday.com. I’ll let you know if they find a solution.

I also don’t have any connected boards column, so not sure exactly what is happening.