Update not included in "create item in board & connect board" automation

I have a workflow where I want to create a duplicate of an item, move it to another board, and link the two together in a ‘connect column.’

The native Monday automation “create item in board & connect board” works fantastic for this process, EXCEPT that it does not move or save the ‘updates’ with the newly created item in the other board.

My end goal would be to run the automation, and also have the updates follow the newly created item.

Ideally, I would love to avoid third party apps, but open to it if there is one that fulfills this need.


There’s a third party app called ‘Same Item Multiple Boards’ that will handle that.

I haven’t found a way to transfer updates without a third party.

If you decide to go with a third party I have utilized ‘Jetpack’ through the marketplace for other automations and I see they have an workflow to sync the updates across boards.

VLOOKUP Auto-link item to multiple boards by Jetpack. they also have youtube tutorials as well.

If I find how to do it without an integration I will come back to update! :slight_smile: