Update subitem status via Monday API

I’m trying to update a subitem status via the api in C#, I’ve gotten the mutation working in the developer playground but when I try to run in my app the api returns a 500 error or a no query string error, below gives a 500

“{"mutation": "{change_column_value(board_id: 6338856281,item_id: 6409465343, column_id: status, value:"{"label": "Manual Attention"}){id}}}"}”

{"query": "mutation {change_column_value(board_id: 6338856281,item_id: subitemId, column_id: status,"value": {label: "Manual Attention"}){id}}"}

I’ve also tried the below but it gives the error “No Query string was present”

“{"mutation": "{change_column_value(board_id: 6338856281,item_id: 6409465343, column_id: status, value:{label: Manual Attention}){id}}}"}”

The mutation that works in the developer playground is

mutation {change_column_value(board_id: 6338856281,item_id: 6409465343, column_id: “status”,value: “{"label": "Manual Attention"}”) {id}}

Is anyone able to advise me what I’m doing wrong when trying to get this into C#?

Hello there @Bobbins and welcome to the community!

Would you be able to please fill this form so our team can take a look into this? Please add as much detail about your case as possible (such as the exact mutations you use with their IDs and values and a timestamp of exactly when you got the 500 error (date, hour, minute, user ID of the user whose API token is being used)

Looking forward to hearing from you via the form!
