Updating due date if it falls on a weekend

I have a board which assigns due dates to tasks automatically based on a dependency. Is there an automation that will adjust those due dates to the previous weekday if they happen to fall on a weekend?

Very new to Monday so forgive me if I’m missing something simple!

I have a similar issue. When I manually enter in dates, it will skip weekends (due to the global settings). When creating dependencies however, it will adjust the due date to be on weekends. :man_shrugging: I would opt for pushing ahead to the next business day, but that is just my preference. (People don’t complain about getting an extra day, but taking one away from them is a different story.)

If I can figure this part out, my next step would be to globally set holidays so that I can’t make things due on those dates. I am not one to really track holidays, so it would be nice to just look them up for the year and add those in globally, and have those days act in a similar fashion to week-ends.