I’m looking to make the due date for every task a certain # of workdays before or after 1 master due date. The master due date changes frequently. Each date would automatically change based on the master date change. For example, I want the due date for writing a blog due 20 workdays before the master due date of launching the campaign.
In Google sheets, this is possible using this formula. =WORKDAY( overall due date,-20)
Same here. My use case is in HR. I know the person I am hiring is supposed to start on a specific date. Say, August 1st. It should be possible to set August 1st as master due date and then calculate due dates for everything else from there. For example, when the person starts on August 1st, I know that he/she should sign his/her contract by July 15th. And so forth. Clearly, this would be very easy to do in Excel, so it should also work on Monday?!
This would help us, too. We plan events & use a board for each one. I can dupe a board for the tasks, but then I’m changing hella dates manually. Would be v nice to just change the event date & have everything at least fall into the vicinity of when I’d like it due.
Hi @bbbbbb - welcome to the community. If you have a template board you can set up dependencies between tasks and add some “filler” dates. IE: Task 1 is Due Jan 1, Task 2 is Due Jan 3, etc…
Then when you create a new project from the template just change the top date and all the subsequent dates will auto populate based on the new date.
Dependencies are only available on PRO and ENT licensing. If you ever wanted to learn more about how dependencies work, check out the link below.
Likely that I am misunderstanding (very new to Monday); my question, and I think one of the original poster’s question, is how to set a due date, then have Monday calculate backwards the due dates for other items that have to be done BEFORE the master due date. The proposed dependency solution seems to work the other way: set a start date, then set dependencies and timeframes that will calculate the due dates that come AFTER that master date. In my case for example, I know that a project must be completed on April 14; in order to meet that contract, I know I need to finish xx task 14 days before that, yy task 60 days before that, and so on.
Am I misunderstanding how to apply the proposed solution or is there another way to accomplish this calculation in Monday?