Upload and read emails

Hi all.

Me and my colleague work a lot with emails to receive inquiries, send offers, certificates, etc. For example, sometimes inquiries are written in the email, sometimes scanned and uploaded as a pdf file.

So we often need to open emails to see what’s written in there or what’s linked. In our sales process, we have different steps at which we send and receive different files (via emails, as stated above).

Depending on the step, I’d like to be able to upload the email in the file column (+ also automatically upload the attached files), but also being able to read the uploaded emails. It is pretty much useless for us to upload the email but not being able to read it.
Of course we could upload the files separately, but we often need to see what’s written in the email, especially when we have no pdfs that are linked.


Each board has an email address to which emails can be sent. When an email is sent to this address, a new item will be created and the email attached to the item as an update, including attached files.

You can forward emails to the board address and effectively upload the emails and files. To get the board email address, go to the board settings menu by clicking the three dots menu in the upper righthand corner of the board then click “Create items via email”:

Jim - The Monday Man
Get Custom Apps, Integrations & Automations for monday

Thank you for your answer Jim, I have two questions ;

  1. It says “Available to active users only”

  2. This means for each email we receive, we all have to transfer every single email to the board address each time we correspond with our clients?

(BTW, I know theres an email feature “emails & activities” IN each column, but it doesn’t work as we would like because it just lists every single email activity with a specific person, usually linked to a deal.)
Our board for example is used for every inquiry we receive (that gets an ID number and rows linked to a deal + a deal “state”), so every email to-and from one client doesn’t necessarily go in every deal, because some emails are, of course, only about a specific matter that is to say deal no. 304 for example.
It would be easier to us to be able to allocate a specific email to a specific deal number for example, without having to transfer every email manually. We tried with ccing, but it would mean that every time we have to transfer an email to an attributed specific deal)