Visual indication on each pulse that there is information in an Info Box + checklists in Info Boxes

I’m happy to have added vote #50 to this request, when I last posted in this thread voting had not been implemented yet. I would love an update from the monday team on this as we have a few users who love info boxes and use them consistently but others still miss things because there is no indication that there is anything in the info boxes.


I have sended via @support (in june) some feature request for info box, and told me that they are phasing out usage of the Infoboxes; they will no longer be given further functionality in the platform.


Oh. Good to know. In that case, I’m glad we never used them. All because of a missing icon.

I guess the Files column has taken over. For us, it’s a better solution anyway. is this true that file boxes are going to be phased out? If so, will you let the current users know?

We use the infobox for the various rounds of revisions and packaged files. Having some sort of visual indication would have been a HUGE help, but we still worked around it as this was the way we found to not clutter the update section nor have upwards of 15+ file columns spanning across.

Why does not see the need for this? For this to be project management system and not have a way to keep the files with the project seems odd to me.


I didn’t know this was requested so long ago. We like to use info boxes as a task description and use updates for…well updates on the task.

If you can’t include an icon or some indicator that the info box has content, would you consider making the info box the default view for a task or give us the ability to choose the task default view?

Thank you for your consideration.



I’ll throw my vote here too.

I had a client upload a file with feedback from their customers to a pulse. I don’t have a file column because that’s not what this board is meant for.

The problem is that they uploaded it last week and I found out about it this week, from the client, in a meeting. It’s a board I built, I am subbed to, and the pulse is assigned to me. Not even a notification in my inbox.

If it’s being phased out, can we get the option to turn it off and be done with it?


Agreed. As it currently stands, the Info Box is dangerous in our environment. Information put in there basically disappears if no-one is aware of it. Our staff are under strict instructions not to use it.

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I second that, the info boxes in the current format are almost unusable for precisely that reason - should also be an relatively easy fix for the development team.


Don’t forget about adding a link to this icon. Just showing that the information exists is not enough. Clicking to open it directly is a lot more intuitive.


We’ve just moved away from Atlassian products partly because of the awful support for feature requests (for features that really should have been there in the first place). Put in a request, vote… watch it being ignored month after month etc
So it’s interesting to find that the very first time I use to add a task I find that the “best” place to put the detailed information my team requires is in the Info Box and straight away it’s hidden, an indicator is essential, if it was clickable then even better. Having the Info Box be the first visible item when the pulse is clicked may be beneficial as well but the order of Updates/Info/Activity is sadly not configurable.
A year and a half has gone by with a lot of interest in this simple feature and yet nothing. I really hoped Monday would be a bit more on the ball.


How is this still not implemented.

See responses earlier in the thread about the future status of Infoboxes.

You mean from over a year ago without any hint of an update?

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Any recent update on this request ?

Hi all! We apologise for the delayed update on this post, and for lack of transparency about the future of info-boxes. If you are still not aware, earlier in the year we made a strategic decision to deprecate the infobox feature from the platform. In an effort to avoid completely eliminating any feature that our users know and use, we decided to leave the feature open in existing accounts, however this feature is not available on new accounts.

Additionally, the deprecation of the feature was also to encourage our users to make better use of the
Update Section that offers a diverse range of different solutions. We appreciate your understanding in advance :pray:

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If infoboxes will be gone, what would be the best place to put issue details, and has a visual clue in the issue list? The Updates does not seem the right place for specifications / detailed descriptions.

Hmm, to be completely transparent I would say that the updates section is the best option here, as it essentially allows you to make posts/updates/specifications specific to the item, and provides a visual cue for each update:

Screen Shot 2023-01-16 at 12.18.07 pm

Other options could be setting up a text column to note the specifications, or even a workdoc to better format and list the issues?

That said, feel free to elaborate a little further as to what specifically isn’t working as you’d like with the updates section so I can help you achieve your goal? :pray:

First, sorry for this late reaction.

Not knowing much of Monday, using Updates to write our software specifications seems not the best place. Some thoughts:

  • you don’t see them when browsing the items,
  • they show only a few lines
  • you can’t update them if written by someone else, but perhaps the permission need some adjusting
  • the order is confusing, you can create new updates and reply, but I miss a view that orders everything by date.

That said, for now we are testing updates and pin the specs as the first item to the top. See if that works.

Hi Monday,
any news about?


Hi @cuboo

See answers above. Infoboxes are phasing out and are only available to existing accounts. You are probably better of using a files column.