Hi all.
I feel like there’s some missing functionality from Monday.dev which can really help software teams be more productive → archiving things (versus views)
Long long time JIRA user (urgh) - trying (praying) that Monday.dev can be our new place for all our Scrum project management.
As we’re using M.dev more and more, we’re adding more Epics. More Sprints. More Issues. Great!
But now it’s getting “clunky” in the Roadmap/Sprints/Issues pages. Also for the “inline select lists”, like if we’re asked to select an Epic, the list could get long.
We’re leveraging custom views for heaps of things. Like
- Active Sprint
- Self Active Sprint
- those two above, but Kanban style
- Triage (custom, never closing sprint) + backlog
- etc…
fine. But i feel like the views are a hack.
like i’d hate to click the ‘Main Table’ or 'All Sprint’s view after a year or two. That’s gonna be … evil/messy/noisy.
But M.dev does have an archive feature! So … what’s wrong with it. Here’s an example.
Archive Sprint 1. When we did this, all the issues remained but were pushed to (i think) the backlog? Urghhh… We just want to archive Sprint 1 + all the issues tagged/linked to S1.
Lots of software dev houses work with current sprint (eg. spring 20) + the next 2 springs (S21 + S22) and backlog. That’s litterally what ‘Main Table’ or ‘All Sprints’ should be, IMO. Well, all not-archived sprints.
This would also follow through to Epics. if we archive an epic - all issues for that epic should be archived IMO.
Are other people also experiencing similar feelings/problems with M.dev, like we are?