When Status changes to Something > Change Status of Another Board to Something

Our team uses multiple boards for different phases of a project. It would be awesome when a status in Board 1 changes to “Done” it initiated an automation to change the status in Board 2 to something like “Ready for Phase 2.”


This is a little similar to the post Linking/Syncing status

Let me know if the answer there would help you?


Thanks, but the beta automation you shared does not meet my need.
It’s more like when a status in board = done, change status of something in another board to something.

Also, I don’t see any beta automations in my automations center.

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Can you send some screenshots of your boards that you’d like to link the statuses on so we can get a better picture of your workflow?

My workflow:

We have boards from multiple teams that when they get to certain point, they need the product team to do something.

When a certain status on board A, or B, or C is set, I want it to create an item on board D. When the status of that item is marked as done on board D, I want it to change the status of its corresponding item on whichever board it came from (A, B, or C).

  • 1 for this. Pretty much exactly the same.

When a status is changed to “Moved to docs”, create a new item in Docs w/ link etc.

When item in docs is marked as “Done” mark original/linked item as “Done” (or “Final approval” or whatever)

Did you try working with mirrored status columns? I don’t know if it will do exactly what you described but it could work

Hi all! Thank you for taking the time to share these details :slight_smile: The automation that Julia shared in the other thread as well as the one below are the best ways to link items across your boards from the start.

The Mirror Column, as @Eltjo mentioned, would be the best way to reflect existing data from one board to another. We definitely understand the request for this automation, and we can certainly share this with our team. Thanks everyone!

I just tried mirror columns and It doesn’t seem to do what I assumed it would.

I added the column and linked it using the link column that’s already there, selected the Status column from the target board. Nothing shows up in the mirror column by default. It only shows anything if I go in and manually link it to the item that was copied.

New item created & linked etc:

Manual link created back to one-way linked item:

This would work if there was a way of automating a new item and linking both ways…


Wait - does mirror count as a status column or not?

Assuming I manually link it, how do I automate this now?

Good idea but does not work. In the automation it will not show me the status fields that are mirror of other board :disappointed_relieved:


Currently the automation that recognizes mirrored status columns is “When status changes to something, change another status to something.” So you use the mirrored column to change a regular column, and then the regular column can trigger your other automations.

I’ve been looking for a similar solution

Problem being - mirrored columns don’t function as a status or actionable data column

The mirror column on the page functions as if there is 0 data within the cell. It’s just showing the data from another board, but does not actually include that data for automations

Any updates to this? It is now 2.5 years old!

I have run into an issue where I need to change the status on Board B when the status on Board A changes. In this case, I just need Board B to reflect what is on Board A, and no automations need to occur on Board B (Board A is an ‘all projects board’ and Boards B, C, etc. are view-only statuses for select projects).

Mirrored columns don’t work in this case because the viewers on Board B don’t have view permission on Board A.


I’m in the same boat FredBaker. I’ve found “when status changes to something, change another status to something” but it only does it in reverse, which doesn’t help me at all.

All I want is for Board-B to update the mirror column which goes to Board-A, and already linked.

This seems like an extremely easy addition/feature.

Any updates here @Monday.com?



I found a solution to my situation, which I think is similar to yours.

Connect items in Private Board A to Shared Board B - Workflows - monday Community

Let me know if this works for you!