Why is it not filling in my start date in timeline?

I am new to Monday. Why is is not automatically filling in my timeline when dependency and duration is established?

Hi Jess!

Mine auto populated the timeline when add the column for them using the timeline + numeric feature! I’d try that and that should fix your issue if you didn’t start it from there!

Or, just doublecheck that dependency. I just ran a check on mine and it worked. You might just need to refresh monday for it to come into action!

Thanks for taking a look, but I am already using the combo. Here is a screenshot including the header. You’ll see on the last visible task, the dependency is set, and the duration is set, so why does the timeline not get filled in with the dates accordingly?

Can you show me those information bubbles next to those timeline & durations? If you set the timeline, will it change the duration?

trying to narrow down the issue, as I know the feature works on my end!

I really appreciate your help! Here are those bubbles