I am experiencing the same issue as Dave - I can take two IDs that work individually, but after throwing them in an array separated by a comma (with or without a space after the comma) I get the same error. About to break this out into a direct API call to Monday, but sure would be nice if it worked in the Zap step properly.
Hello! I stumbled upon my search to a solution to this problem over a year later! But, i found a solution that I wanted to post here in case anyone needs one. Use the Looping by Zapier to run through each iteam as an iteration. I had the best success adding them as text and separating them by a comma. I have attached pitures for you to reference.
I wonder if anyone has had the same issue as me when trying to add multiple connections to a connected board column.
Use case: I have a google sheet of data I need to upload to a monday board which has one to many relationships across a pair of boards. I run an engineering company, one board contains parts, the other contains machine types. Each subassembly is used on one or more machine types.
I can add a single connection with no problems, just by adding the itemId. This is very standard practice for me, I have a lot of experience with linking zapier to Monday, so I know all the basics.
This works for both single items added to both these connect board columns:
I believe the issue is to do with the format of the string I need to pass when there are multiple links. There is a very helpful article on this subject, which I followed to the letter:
This article leads me to a JSON format, but it does not work: