Ability to Save a view on My Work

One use case that we have for this feature is we run a daily stand up off of the my work view with one of the teams. We select the team so it shows everyone’s work and we have to make sure the right date column is selected (in this case it is the timeline column. We also use the my work for our individual view, so it requires us almost daily to change all of the my work settings manually. It would be great to save a view to the my work tab that we can come back to.

Feel free to comment your use cases and don’t forget to vote!

This would be so helpful for my whole team.

Since we can’t select more than one status and date column to display in My Work at the same time, we can’t actually see all of our work on My Work at one time.

This would at least allow people to toggle between two different status types (in our case it’s Writer or Editor) in My Work instead of only seeing half of what’s assigned to us.


This would be extremely helpful for my company, especially for managers and program leads. The ability save a filtered view in My Work would allow for managers to save a view for each of their staff and can select which exact boards they want to see, without having to redo the filters or revert back to their personal view every single time. Is this in the works?

Hi all,

I would suggest you have a look on Kanbanify app.

It allows you to connect multiple boards in one single Kanban view.

You can use filters to have the view you need (my tasks, my teams tasks, critical tasksk etc…) and you can add as many Kanbanify widgets as you need in one Dahsboard. You can also create a separate Kanbanify view (as many as you would like based on the views you need).

Hope that helps,
Kind regards,