Able to exclude certain email from appearing on thread which is not relating to the projects?


I would like to do is exclude certain E-mails from appearing on the thread. Once we have added that E-mail address and sent it from there, all E-mail communication on that specific E-mails are being recorded which for several cases – not related to that project, is there a way to filter the e-mails communications, maybe thru a subject line? Creating a rule like if subject contains XX then add to communication loop… etc?


Hey there! Yes, you can definitely set this up!

You are using an integration recipe to set this workflow, correct? In that recipe you can edit the “email” field to set conditions on what emails get brought into your board.

Here’s what that integration recipe setup can look like:

Then you can choose whether you want to limit the emails based on just the sender, just the body/content of the email, subject or body, just the receiver, or the subject of the email:

And here you can set up the emails to only be brought into your board if their subject or body includes mention of your project:

Does this sound like what you’re looking for? :blush: Let me know what you think!


Hi Charlotte,

Thank you! Let me try it out.