Adjust Timeline by due date

I have a project that i would like to schedule,
we copy it each year, and would like to adjust the days based on the day of the event, and not the start date.
right now it is set up using dependencies, and you can adjust the startdate and the other dates will follow, but when i try to adjust the due date of the event, it just moves the last date, even when set in strict mode

Hello Nicklas. I think to get this done, you can try to adjust the due date of the event and have the other dates follow accordingly, you need to set up dependencies based on the due date, not the start date. Ensure the dependencies are correctly set to link tasks to the due date. This way, adjusting the due date will shift all dependent tasks while keeping their relative timelines intact. Adjust your scheduling tool or software settings accordingly and test the new setup to ensure it meets your needs.
If this makes sense, please do try it out and let me know if it works.