Any way to make a due date a required entry in the date column in a board when creating a new pulse/item?

Any news whether this is on the sights? I feel like it’s a pretty vital functionality for the whole ‘My Week’ thing to work efficiently.

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Agreed, this is a vital feature to ensure that pulses are properly created.

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Its still completely skippable. It would be very valuable to not allow the date to default to today’s date when submitting a form.

Please oh please!!!

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Triggered - feel your pain…

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+1 we would love the ability to make a column a required field in a board!


+1 - we’d love this feature so that jobs can’t be submitted on without a job code!

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+1 and obligatory bump.
There’s a big need for this no matter what industry!

I made a work around for us using the formula column. This is definitely not a total fix and I still would prefer an actual required column but in the meantime I created a formula for a board we have. We require there’s a status (it’s a working on type board so there’s never any “to do”) and a person assigned to the task.

	{Person#Count} < 1, "🚫 Missing Assignee", IF(
		{Status} = "Empty", "🚫 Missing Status", ""

If those are not true it shows up in the column. Since once it shows up people fix it, it’s really noticeable and people fix the issue quickly. Would prefer it be required to even post in the first place but this is working for us in the meantime.

Note this isn’t for due date, but you could tweak to check if your due date column is empty.


+1 For this please! This would make the management of our customer service team a breeze, removing the need to check their work all the time, to ensure they’ve entered critical data which is needed to set off a whole chain of automations and processes for us.

@MarkHHH have partially-solved this with this automation.

But it only works if “some days” is the same value for every item in the board. It’s certainly not the complete solution being requested in this discussion.

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Adding in support for this feature as well. If it helps, I’ve added our use case below.

We have to meet internal SLAs for certain tasks, and we have a “Task Type” Status column that denotes what type of task it is. Depending on that, we have an automation that sets the due date x amount of business days ahead.

Having a required field would be a massive help for those employees who are working too quickly and forget to fill out the 'Task Type" column, and thus we end up having no due date.

Yes, please make this one happen. A simple checkbox would be enough for each column. And to begin with, I dont have a problem if an automation or integration might create items with not “all required fields” filled-out. I just want our team members to fill out all required columns so we do not miss information in our database (which is hard to gather at a later stage)

Another upvote for this functionality.

Another vote up here as well