AutoID Column just got a twin - announcing AutoID Subitems

AutoID Subitems (or AIS for short) generates a unique and highly configurable ID for new subitems. For each item on the board the ID sequence starts with the value given.

The app was developed on request of users of the AutoID Column app. As a development partner we decided to give this a show as soon webhooks were made available for subitems. That happened shortly ago and now we are proud to announce this app made it to the marketplace.

The ID can be configured with the content of a column (either in the parent item or the subitem). When your parent item had an AutoID Column generated ID like “MyID-123”, it is easy to create subitem IDs in the format “MyID-123.01”

As all our apps there is a 10-day trial period. The app can be found here in the marketplace or here in our app-store, where you also find detailed documentation, ordering info and the one-time price.


That’s awesome! I’m really glad to see this released and I’m sure this is a welcome feature for many users, much like AutoID is :slight_smile:

Thanks so much for your work on this.
