Bring back 'filter by person' in Bell notifications

I’m absolutely devastated that a key feature I use every day has been removed with no announcement and seemingly no reason.
I one is @ frequently through the day as I am in notifications its tremendously helpful - particularly after a holiday to ‘filter by person’ so I can quickly whip through key people’s notifications and prioritise responding to them
The feature is (at the time of writing) still mentioned in but I have had it confirmed that it has been removed without explanation or announcement. Bring it back ASAP please!

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Hello Stuart,

I think this is something related with your account, because this is available for me.
Probably try to refresh the page, maybe there was a short glitch.

Nope this has disappeared for me too. It seems like they’re testing or rolling out some changes to the notification panel. Mine is now 3 tabs: All, Mentioned, Assigned to Me. Unread is now a toggle on all 3 tabs but the Filter is gone, just the Search bar is there still.

Nope. I think you’ll find it removed from your account soon in what’s called a graduated removal.

I too am devastated to see this functionality gone with no notice. I use it everyday and have a large team to manage!

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