We’ve been using Monday for our waterfall and Agile type projects. One of the things we are still trying to figure out is how to effectively make burndown charts.
You know, those super usefull graphs showing progression of total tasks planned vs task done over a certain time.
Was wondering if anyone already solved this, and how
You can do this natively (kind of), but it’s more of a workaround and would be great if there was a real way.
Until Monday adds this, you can create a new date column. Let’s say you want to track the date a lead expressed interest. Use the automation that says when status changes to “Expressed Interest,” update the new date column to today’s date (+0 days). You can then chart this date column to track things like the number of people that expressed interest per day.
You can then do this for any status label with a new date column for each thing you want to track. It’s not ideal and is pretty basic for functionality, but I recently implemented something similar so I hope it helps!
I think a proper implementation of a burndown chart belongs in the dashboard section and would improve our teams productivity. Would be great to be able to plot them
I totally agree with you guys, it will be really helpful to have burndown charts in the dashboards, or at least more flexibility in data for X/Y axis to make a workaround ourselves.
Any available updates on this one @monday.com? The Bettery’s in the dashboard are working alright on the over view of task but its lacking in showing progress in time. Our teams would love to use the dashboards more but are really asking for a proper burndown chart. Thanks
Same here pretty critical tool to monitor agile sprints. In mondays own documentation it shows a burndown chart in an excel spreadsheet or another product.
@monday.com How can we get this feature into your product development roadmap?
Plz community vote for this subject via the Vote button at the top of this channel. Monday uses this to identify much appreciated features.
For agile teams this feature is a real must.
This is literally the only chart I want. But while we’re at it, I would like a BURN UP chart which would have the ability to show scope changes. Very standard agile chart.
Hi There! We’re working on Monday.com integration of our award winning reporting tool which includes burndown and burnup charts as well. Here’s a sample burndown chart:
+1 on wanting to know status on this. This is one of the key feature that is pushing our considerations towards using JIRA instead of MDCOM. Strangely, MDCOM has published many marketing articles about scrum, but doesn’t seem to support many of the facilities it markets with.