Can I Edit Documents in the File column or Update/conversation.

Currently, I can drag and drop a document into the conversation update section and read it.
The same applies for wanting to be able to edit documents in the file column in the Monday Board.

I would also like to be able to edit the document at this point without having to download it.

Is this possible or going to be a new feature.
Thanks Jorgen

I also would love to be able to edit a file in the files column. As an example, AP uploads and invoice into the files column, I then go open that file, write the information needed for AP and it is all done in a matter of seconds. As of now, we have AP upload the file, PM downloads the file, edit’s the pdf, saves the pdf locally, and then uploads the edited pdf. It would be really helpful to be able to write directly on the pdf (Much like opening a pdf on an ipad where it gives you an option to push the pen button and write directly on the document and send it back all in one place).

Another option would be to allow the comments made on a document show up on the document. In other words, I make a comment and when someone downloads the file, the comment is shown right there on the document.