Can't update CRM board through the API

Hello everyone. I’m having a strange issue when I try to update a Monday CRM board through the API. I have no problem whatsoever pulling data from the board (Accounts), but I can’t update this board in any way, no matter what permissions I assign to the user whose token I use in the API requests.
Does someone has the same issue? Is there a differente way to assign permissions in the board for CRM? I’m using the exact same process I have for “normal” boards.

I’ve run into similar issues with updating CRM boards through the API before, so I get your frustration. From my experience, these problems usually stem from a couple of things. First, double-check that your API key is correctly set up and that it has the necessary permissions. Sometimes, even a small typo can mess things up.
Next, take a look at the API documentation again. It’s easy to miss a tiny detail that might be crucial for the update process. Ensure you’re using the right endpoints and the correct data format. If you’re sending JSON data, ensure it’s properly structured. Another thing to consider is rate limiting. Some CRM systems have strict rate limits, and if you exceed them, your requests will fail. Check if your API requests are being throttled and adjust the timing if necessary.