Conditional logic for form fields

Hi there,

Our team would love to embed some of our boards into our website using the forms functionality.
These forms would essentially be “Contact us” and “Register for our service” forms.

Our current forms that we’d like to replace have some conditional logic in them. ie. the user is asked in the first question if they’re interested in Service A or Service B, and the form adjusts accordingly to show the user subsequent questions related to only Service A or Service B, depending on their answer.

Currently, we have to manually copy/paste our form data into Monday boards, which is inefficient.

Conditional logic would free us up to use the forms functionality, which is currently just a little simplistic for our use case.

Thanks for listening, it’s wonderful to have this forum to add suggestions :slight_smile:



Hey @MarkHHH

Thanks for the suggestion for adding conditional logic to the forms view. We’ll certainly pass this along!

In the meantime, have you tested the Typeform integration we have available?

This might be a better solution for you for the time being and still allow you to automatically bring the info from forms into your monday boards.

Cheers :slight_smile:

+1 for this !
We considered typeform as a substitute but it’s another paid service and it does not support some important types of columns.

Thanks for your reply Julia.

Unfortunately the following question types that we need are not currently supported in the Typeform/ integration: Multiple Choice, Phone, Dropdown.

Thank you for letting us know! We’ll pass this along as possible improvements for the future.

Keep your requests coming!

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I would also love to have this, please!

My company could use this as well. My usecase is an internal form that salespeople can use to submit new customers. Depending on whether certain tasks have been completed, what the salesperson needs to submit (and how) could change. For example:

  • If the salesperson has already uploaded a PO to our Drive, then they don’t need to upload it to If they haven’t uploaded a PO to our Drive, then they could upload it to the form, or receive instructions for uploading to Drive.
  • If the salesperson has already scheduled a kickoff call with the customer, then they need to indicate the date and time in the form. If they haven’t scheduled the call, then they could get a message saying something like “No worries! Once an Onboarding Specialist is assigned, they can reach out to the customer to schedule the Kickoff.”

This also ties in to my request for Rich Formatting for Form Field Descriptions. Possibly that could help with MarkHHH’s goal, or vice versa - rich formatting along with conditional logic would make for a very robust form functionality indeed!

Hi, I wanted to check the status on this ticket. We would love this support as well.


+1 for this! We’re using to track time and would like to be able to attribute time to a specific project, but without conditional formatting, that is difficult.

(For reasons beyond the scope of this topic, we don’t use the time tracking Column)


In case anyone is following this item: I’ve found that using multiple Forms for a single Board can solve some conditionality use cases. Since you can customize which fields appear on a Form, building an exhaustive Board can let you build some of the conditionality into which Form you expose to a particular user group using a subset of columns and get only the set of information relevant to their case.


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Hey all!

All paying users should have access to the conditional logic feature in workforms! You can learn more about the workforms features in the article below :slight_smile:

Hope this helps!

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The basic forms miss three features: Conditional questions, branching, and the option to fill in “Other” in multiple choice questions. Workforms solves only the first. Please continue rolling out features!