Integrating internet calendars would offer substantial advantages. Whether you need to display national holidays or manage employee time-off schedules, having the ability to showcase this information in both a dedicated column on a board and the calendar view would prove immensely valuable.
This feature isn’t limited to just team workload planning; it can also aid in ensuring that the marketing team stays well-informed about national holidays, allowing for more effective scheduling and coordination.
Can you clarify how this differs from our Google Cal and Outlook Cal integration? Would you be able to elaborate a little further on the specific internet calendars you’re referring to? This will help me better understand and check if this is something already being considered
I use my Outlook calendar for a wide range of things and have multiple calendars within this, so I can’t have it intergrated with as my team will be able to view things they shouldn’t. Additionally, being able to share these separate Outlook calendars to separate boards would be ideal.
An example is I’d like to share a social media holiday calendar from Outlook to for the social media board only. This consists of dates we may want to harness on socials, such as national pet day.
Another one is events and awards, this should be shared with the events board.
Both of these examples are extensive calendars, which should not be accessible by other members/boards.
Other internet calendars I currently use, which I’d like to add to, are as follows:
GOV UK national holiday calendar
Timetastic: staff holiday booking system
If internet calendars could be added, this would resolve my multiple Outlook calendar issue as I could make each one an internet calendar.
We recently released a calendar app called Calendar Plus. It is free at the moment and displays public holidays for most countries in the world. If that’s all you need, great!
Adding other internet calendars to your calendars or boards shouldn’t be too hard. If this is important to you, just book a quick call or drop us a message via