Counting on time items on multiple boards

I’m using Work Management to track projects for a small marketing team. I have three boards set up. Each board has different columns but they all have a status column and due date column in deadline mode. For each individual board, I’ve been able to add a dashboard widget showing how many items were completed on time by using a number widget to count items with a filter were the due date column condition is either done on time or done overdue.

My problem comes when I use a dashboard with all 3 boards connected. I want to show the cumulative numbers for done on time/done overdue. I added the number widget to count items, but when I try to filter on the due date column “done on time” and “done overdue” aren’t listed as options. The only options are relative dates like today, tomorrow, yesterday, this week, next week, etc.

Anyone have a suggestion on what I’m missing or doing wrong? Or is what I’m trying to do not possible?

The default on dashboards is to make you choose your data ‘all at once’. You’ll need to change to ‘One by One’

Thanks for the suggestion! Unfortunately, it didn’t seem to help in this case. Maybe because I’m just trying to count items instead of adding numbers columns? When I select Count instead of Columns, I don’t have the option to choose All at Once or One by One.

Maybe a Numbers widget isn’t the right thing to use for what I want to see, but it worked for individual board dashboards. It’s just this dashboard with three connected boards that is frustrating me.

Hi Janet, our app Dashboost might help you with that! :slightly_smiling_face:

The new app by Boost enables you to calculate data across different boards directly within your dashboard, perform calculations with a built-in easy-to-use calculator, and set specific targets with new ways to track your progress.

You can check out Dashboost features here and try the app 14 days for free here.

Feel free to also book a free demo with us and we’ll try to help!