Create a recurring group

I have a pretty specific use case and couldn’t think of a way to make this work.
My top group is “recurring tasks” which I want to do every week (ideally also have some due date that is for some day during this week).

I want to be able duplicate this group every week, have an updated due date, reset the status, and move all actions from the original duplicated group into a “done” group (and make the original group to be archived or something). Alternatively just archive the old group.

Alternatively, have some rule only for this specific “recurring” group, where every week the status is reset and the deadline is pushed by some x days. But only for this group.


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HI @nadavbe :wave:

Apologies for the lack of reply here! I wanted to check in to see if you were still looking to get this set up?
If so, you might like to consider the following!

Once the group is duplicated, you can use Batch Actions to make changes to multiple items at once.
This is particularly useful for clearing the status of all items in the group in a couple of clicks.
You could also apply this method to the date column, although I would recommend using Dependencies here instead.

This would allow you to simply change the first date in the group and have the rest change automatically!

Could this work for you?
Let us know what you think!



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