Dashboard or Mirror for Board Updates?

I have multiple similar projects running concurrently. For the most part they all use the same project template I’ve created. I’ve been able to create several status dashboards, both Gantt style and also others with connected and mirror columns - the project team and leadership can use these for higher level status.

I’ve found that the Board Updates (where there is the chat/update function at the very top of a board next to the name, info, and favorite star) is a perfect spot for me to store overarching notes, reminders, etc. that come in through channels like verbal, chat, e-mail, etc. but don’t belong to any one task. And don’t need me to then hunt through task updates for info. I could put these notes anywhere, but I would rather keep them “in Board” rather than in a separate tool (ex. OneNote), or in a separate WorkDoc for each project.

I would like to create a Dashboard or Mirror(?) for these Board Updates so I can see them all on one page - ideally to view and add/update.

I’ve been able to create a Dashboard that views all updates made to the connected tasks and boards. But I don’t seem to be able to have it be JUST Board updates, without task updates. And I can’t seem to find a way to add to the updates here either.

I’m open to creative platform solutions here as well - maybe a dashboard isn’t the right direction. Thanks!

Hey Jessica!

Charlotte here from the monday team! :wave: Thanks for raising this!

While we don’t have a way to bring in all the board updates to one spot other than bringing multiple boards’ item updates through the Dashboard (as you have already seen), this is a great idea for a feature!

We would love for you to add it to the Community feature requests page here!

Other Community members can upvote it and our product team takes a look at features listed there to determine what gets added to the product roadmap.

In the meantime, I would suggest using a workdoc for all of your board update notes and embedding your boards in the doc. You could even link this workdoc in your boards’ descriptions at the top underneath the board name.

I know this is not an ideal solution but perhaps it could be a fix in the meantime! Let us know what you think about it!

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Hi Charlotte,
Thank you for the response and suggestions. I’m happy to put in a feature request for this idea, since I see it as a way for a PM running many projects like this to have a nice consolidation of all projects status notes. It could even work for other use cases, such as a customer success manager working through a customer maintenance plan.

Thank you as well for the suggestion for a work around. I do have a Workdoc that I use to run my weekly status meeting for leadership - right now I just have sections for projects or phases and where each project falls in the phases. And I have a board that I use like a dashboard that has mirror columns for each phase as well, tied to milestones, so I can see at a glance where each project is.

I wasn’t quite sure what you meant by this: “You could even link this workdoc in your boards’ descriptions at the top underneath the board name.” - but I will fuss around a bit to see what you mean.
