Date Column Autofill

How can we format the DATE column so that if the date is skipped on the form it does not auto fill the current date, it allows you to set it as a required field but fills in the current date - which then allows the user to skip the field. For example when people skip the “birthdate” field there is no ERROR message on a required field, and the data is submitted with “Today’s” date.

I would also like to know how to do this. I have some date fields that I do not want to be pre-populated with todays date in the form. How can make it default to nothing (since it’s not a required field anyway). Plus to Andrea’s point, if it’s a required field and they accidentally skip it it already puts todays current date in it and will allow you to submit without giving the field attention.

@Andrea9 Welcome to the Monday community!

I agree with this and I think in general the Forms view needs some updates. I’m sure its being worked on but I haven’t see a roadmap of feature updates for it. Maybe Talia knows of anything currently being worked on regarding Forms

In the meantime, I can think of a couple work arounds:

-Use another form app. Tons of form applications exist and with the combination of Integromat or Zapier, you can accomplish the same result as the Monday form view but with more robust form features. Then Integromat or Zapier compiles all the information and creates the item in Monday. This options allows you the most customization and control over the form input data.

-Separate your birthday into 3 columns. Month, Day & Year. This could be accomplished multiple ways, Number columns, Status Columns, Drop downs etc. Obvious downside is that in your form it’s still going to list them vertically but it would help you control your input. Then you would need an app like General Caster(monday Marketplace) or Integromat/Zapier to interpret the data from these three columns and put them into a single date column.

Hope this helps!

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Another technique I’ve used is to create a board that is specifically for the form. Then create an automation to move new items to the main board.

It can give you some needed control in some cases.

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Thanks for tagging me @andrewalmand!

@Andrea9, we’re looking to deploy a solution for this this coming Sunday—so that you can have the date left blank. I’ll keep you updated when we do actually deploy it!

@andrewalmand you mentioned forms view needs some updates. Any chance you can tell me here or PM me with what those are? They are a big focus for us this quarter and we’re working to improve them! Great to hear!

Would you prefer a PM or a new topic dedicated to Form View features?

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@andrewalmand a new topic would be amazing!!

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