Due Date Formula

Physically, there is no way to setup different formulas for different row. But that does not preclude setting up “different formulas” from a logical perspective.

For example, you could do something like this:

IF({type}=“content”, {start date}+14,0)+IF({type}=“labor”, {start date}+30,0)


sorry @JCorrell i think i am running in circles here. I am having issues figuring out what {type} is supposed to be. I keep getting an error.

{type} is a variable which refers to the values of another column of your table, i.e. the work ‘type’ column, where you have assigned a task to be of a certain type - content or labor in Jim’s example.

You’ll need to setup this column to be able to reference it

So you’ll have one column with the name of the task,
then another column with the task type,
another column with a start date,
and your due date will be based on the task type (which you reference with the {type} variable) as per Jim’s formula, so you can assign e.g. +14 days or +30 days from the start date to spit out your due date.

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Sorry I am still getting lost here. I have one column that has “start date” this is pulling a date from hubspot via integration. Second column i have is for “content” which is it’s due date I still am having issues getting this formula right as well. Third column i have is then “labor” which would be the same formula as the “content” column, but with a different subtraction number. Then we would have the fourth column which would be the this formula…but still not understanding “type”. Apologies on this I might just not be thinking through this correctly.


“type” was just a theoretical column name that I used to exemplify how to create different logical formulas combined into one. In practice, “type” would be one (or more) actual columns that are used to determine which calculation should be used.

Let’s backup half a step and have you restate what you want the formula in forth column to do/show.

(Also, it is best if you @mention people in your reply so that they will see that you are responding to them and not depend on them reading all of the items on the forum,)

@JCorrell thank you. I am hoping the formula in the forth column to show the actual due date. The hope is too have all these updated automatically once the board starts from the HubSpot Integration. It would see the start date as how many days to work back from. Example if the event were to have a “start date” of April 2 and “labor” was to be completed 30 days out it would populate as March 3 and if “content” was to be completed 14 days out it would populate as March 19. If i am understanding this correctly I would need to have a column for each project and how many days out it is due and then a single column that gathers all of the information for each row.

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@Dustin_Fabian, sorry for not getting back sooner. I had some issues.

First, monday formulas basically work on one item (row) at a time. You can get around this limitation to some degree by linking a board to itself and using mirror columns.

Second, formula results are basically only available to view. There is no integration for formula columns in base monday. For example, you can not calculate a due date and then have an automation use that date as a trigger to do something. (One workaround for this the the app “General Caster”. I have not used it. But it can use formulas to set a date, and more)

If all you are looking to do is calculate a date for each item with a variable offset based and the item type, that’s pretty simple. The formula below will calculate the “item date” where {Start Date} is a date column of the event and {Item Type} is a status column that defines the type of item on that row.

SUBTRACT_DAYS({Start Date},SWITCH({Item Type},"Labor",14,"Content",30,0))

You can expand this with other types as needed like this:

    SUBTRACT_DAYS({Start Date},SWITCH({Item Type},"Labor",14,"Content",30,"Emails",7,"Planning Call",45,0))

It sounds like your board structure is that you have a board for each “event” and the items on the board are the different supporting activities/tasks the need to be done for the event.

Depending on, among other things, how much of the work your HubSpot integration can do (like setting up the “start date” in every item, something like the formula given above might work for you.

However, it seems, without knowing more detail, that you might want to take a look at using the monday dependencies construct and it’s associated automations. (I have only done simple testing, have not used it.)

This might get you started:
How to Set Dependencies on monday.com – Support

As the saying goes, “For a man who has a hammer, everything looks like a nail.”, I use Integromat for anything that needs an extra nudge. I recommend it.

@JCorrell thank you. I am still having issues with the formula pulling the item type as I cannot figure out what that column is supposed to be…but using this dependency seems to working, I will give it a little more work though. I have been using Zapier but have not used Integromat, although it seems like that might help more on some deeper items.


I was assuming that you have a column on your board that somehow identifies what is “labor” or “content” or “whatever”. I just arbitrarily called that column {Item Type}. If this is not the case, then I don’t understand your structure.

@JCorrell ah ok, got it. So then in the Labor Column should I have SUBTRACT_DAYS({Start Date},“Labor”,14? and then in the main formula column i would have SUBTRACT_DAYS({Start Date},SWITCH({Item Type},“Labor”,14,“Content”,30,0))

A few people in this thread have been mentioning hidden formulas and where they can get this list of them. But I haven’t seen it mentioned that the monday.com formula parser is first and foremost based on excel, so these hidden formulas are generally just normal excel functions.

I fiddled with this stuff months ago, but I don’t imagine monday.com has gone out of their way to strip them from their parser since then. So ya’ll should be able to use everyday excel functions even if they don’t appear in monday.com formula docs.

For example @Eisbaer99 question about excluding bank holidays might be able to use excels NETWORKDAYS(docs).

Mondays own WORKDAYS seems like an alias of NETWORKDAYS with the holiday functionality removed and terminology tweaks. Maybe because monday.com does not have any concept of holidays yet and they would like to automatically handle that once they do, or maybe someone just thought the name networkdays was confusing, who knows? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

monday.com Function: WORKDAYS
Description: Returns the number of working days between the two dates


Excel Function: NETWORKDAYS
Description: Returns the number of whole working days between start_date and end_date. Working days exclude weekends and any dates identified in holidays.
Example: NETWORKDAYS(start_date, end_date, [holidays])

@Van.ly specifically mentioned NETWORKDAYS as one of these hidden functions earlier in this thread, so I would bet it works, but take all that with a grain of salt since I’m not personally testing it and simplifying in places.

Hope that helps some of ya’ll out there,
~ Spunkie

PS - Any of ya’ll are looking for a place to chat with other monday․com enthusiasts? The Monday Neighborhood unofficial discord is the place for you then. Drop by and say hi :wave:


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