Efficient Task Management: Automating Monday Board Tasks

You’ve got a list of tasks in Monday board📋 that are due tomorrow, and you want to make sure everyone stays on track. In your trusty automation setup using make.com , you’ve got just the plan!

Here’s the breakdown:
1)Listing Items: We’ll start by listing out all the tasks in Monday.com
2)Filtering Due Tomorrow: Using smart filtering, we’ll isolate the tasks due specifically tomorrow.
3) Parsing JSON Data: Once we have our tasks, we’ll parse the JSON data to extract relevant information.
4) Identifying Responsible Individuals: We’ll use parsing techniques to pinpoint the individuals assigned to each task.
5)Iterating Through Assignees: Employing an iterator, we’ll cycle through the assignees to gather the users.
6)Aggregating Names: Utilizing a text aggregator, we’ll compile the names of individuals responsible for Monday’s tasks.
7)Sending Email Reminders: Finally, armed with our list of assignees, we’ll craft personalized email reminders to ensure everyone stays on track.

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Thanks for sharing :+1: