I am trying to add an event registration feature to my company’s implementation of Monday.com. Requested features are a customer self registration form (easy), automated notifications and approval, and QR code trackability (Each guest should get a QR code emailed to them at registration time, then the person doing check in would scan the QR code of the customer attending the event.
Is there a way to use QR codes inherently from Monday.com or is this a third-party function?
I have a good idea how to do most of this, but how would registration work. Can Monday.com search via image?
We don’t currently offer the ability to create QR codes natively within the platform, I’m afraid.
That said, we do have a third party app in our marketplace that might be of use.
This is the Skiply QR Code Item Tracking app.
You can view the app details here - https://monday.com/marketplace/14
This does allow for the creation of QR codes
Do note that this app was not developed by the monday.com team. As such, we don’t have any control over its functionality – and do not provide support for setting it up. Our team has reviewed it against our security and privacy guidelines, but we cannot fully certify it.
You can review the app’s documentation (and applicable privacy policies) within the marketplace and install it if you choose.
there is a way to create a QR code containing the url to the specific item in monday using the DocExport PDF app. The QR code then is embedded in a PDF file which can be sent automatically to the participant.
The person doing check in then opens the monday item on a smartphone by scanning the QR code to check the validity of the invitation.
You can create Tickets or Event Badges in your own design and include not only the QR code but also the data from other columns like name, company, status, date and so on.
The placeholder needed in the template is {{Image(100;0):QR.ItemUrl}}.
Does this help you solve your problem?
You can find more informations about how to set this up here:
For the registration process, Monday does not have a built-in image search function. However, you can create a registration form using Monday’s form builder and collect necessary information from attendees. Once the registration form is submitted, you can use a third-party integration to generate a unique QR code for each attendee and email it to them.
During check-in, you can use a QR code scanner app to scan the codes of attendees and mark them as present. This can help you keep track of attendance and streamline the check-in process.
We’ve created a new Monday.com app called Q-ARGH, which will allow you to generate customizable QR codes for any item or any URL in Monday.
Create a board with URL columns with Links to all your necessary forms, then generate your QR-Code directly to a files column. This can be put on your event flier or on signage throughout the event.
When the form is filled out, have Q-ARGH auto generate a specific QR code for that persons entry. When the person brings their QR code to the event, any worker can scan that code which will bring them straight to their form entry line item in Monday.com. Here your worker can check the person in using a status column.