Expand the Pulse Pop-up View (Link to item Column)

Using the Link to item column, you can open a card showing all of the information from the linked board

In the example (see image), the view looks fine. However, it looks bad if you have longer column names. Only the first few characters are readable.

It would be great if the card can expand for this to be useful for boards with longer column names.

In addition to this, i think the card view should open when you click in the PULSE NAME,

actually when you click in the pulse name it opens the updates section (that should open only when you click in the update icon right next to the pulse`s name.

In the android app this card view opens like i was saying, i think desktop app should do the same.


Yes, I can totally follow the reasoning behind these suggestions. A big + one from me on this one.

To even expand a little bit on this request I would like to suggest that after clicking an item in the ‘Link to item column’ the window below opens up. This will give you fully access to the linked item and its data without leaving the board that you are working from.


I agree! We would like also to see the updates area as on your photo.