Export to Excel (CSV)

We get a lot of requests from our teams to have an option to export to an excel file without formatting. Having the groups on Monday & colors is great, but we need a way to quickly select which columns need to be exported and a way to export with CSV to eliminate formatting. It seems like a rather basic feature that is hard to believe it’s not possible. Is this on the roadmap anywhere or does anyone has a workaround that is quick and easy?


Hi @MichaelCalvinJones !

You can use this app

It solved the issue in this discussion

Hope this helps.


Appreciate you sending this through. We took a look at that application but it doesn’t feel scalable from a true enterprise standpoint. Is there a way to create that application within an actual view so you don’t need the link to directly access it? Similar to how doc-u-gen has their built out.

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Following- I would like to know if you find something that can do this.

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Hi @MichaelCalvinJones & @Bianca

Just to confirm, you would like a Monday view with a simple button that exports the entire board to a CSV file (to download, not to link)?

Yes, I think that would make it a lot easier to navigate. Additionally if it was possible to tell the application which columns to export instead of the entire board.

Hi @MichaelCalvinJones & @Bianca !

Try this app, it’ll give you an XSLX or CSV export, according to the columns you choose.
Just attach it as a view to the relevant board.

Hope this solves the problem :crossed_fingers:

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This is awesome! Great work, willing to throw you some payment for the efforts. Is it possible to have the item name column? Doesn’t appear we are getting that column option.

@MichaelCalvinJones !
I’m so glad you liked it!

The name column will appear by default, is that an issue? I can make it optional.

Hey @MichaelCalvinJones ! :wave:

It looks like Yoggi’s post here seems to have answered your question, is that correct?: Export to Excel (CSV) - #8 by Yoggie

If so, remember to mark it as the solution so others can easily find it as well and to close the thread as necessary :slight_smile: Otherwise, feel free to ask any additional questions as needed!


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Love the export functionality, especially without the formatting. Is this export possible to automate for multiple boards? We have individual projects each on their own board. It’d be great to be able to automate all boards to export to excel instead of one-by-one. Is that possible?

Hi @mattwright !

Would you like all boards you choose to be consolidated into one file? or should it separate them into individual xlsx files?

+1 here for this request.
My solution @MichaelCalvinJones was to create a “master” excel file with all the correct formatting, also set as read only to prevent overwriting.
I take the exported excel from Monday, copy the data, and paste as “values only” into the master file.
I then “save as” on the disk.
Hope this helps ,

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Combining multiple board data into one file would be better. Looking to create a single export of time and budget (across multiple boards) so that we can create pivots and analyze cumulative data.

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Hi @mattwright !

Thank you!
I’m working on a new feature that does exactly that.
In the mean time though, you can check out a CSV URL app.
This solution might give you everything you need. It’ll link your google sheets to Monday boards and you can even set a function that refreshes the data every few hours or days.

Hope this solves the problem for now.

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Hi Yoggie,

This has been awesome! One question, we are getting a server error when other people try and use the app outside of myself. Any idea why this may be occurring? I’d like to make sure everyone on our accounts can have access to the tool. Thank you!



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@alexcamp & @mattwright
I added a new feature.
You can now download multiple boards as a file, every board will be a different sheet inside it.

I opened the app for multiple user access. Other users can access it now.
Note that they will only be able to generate files based on their Monday permissions.

Let me know if there are any issues.

Brilliant Yoggie! I’ll take a look this weekend. Thanks so much for sharing.

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Hi Yoggie,

It is telling me that the trial has expired, is there something we need to do to keep using the application? Thank you!



Hi @MichaelCalvinJones

Since the app is still in beta, I’ve reopened the access.
I’m glad to see you find the app useful, please let me know there are any issues.