Feature request: add filter option for Date columns: Last 30 days / Last 7 days / Last X days

Use case:
Our workload reports make the most sense when viewed as:

  • number of items marked Done over the last 7 days
  • number of items marked Done over the last 30 days

In the current monday.com filter setup there are options to filter This week, This month, etc.
But this leaves out rolling periods, ie. “the last X/Y/Z days”

Would be great addition to a great filter feature.

Hi +1 on this.
But the same request goes for timeline columns…
I cant filter by “this month”!!!

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Has there been any updates on this? I’m looking to be able to quickly save a filter that says "show items with [Date Column]s between this date and that date. Is there a way to do this in the 7 months since this was posted?