Add a column setting to the Board Connection column which can for example reference the value of a column as one of the criteria. For example, if we have a board of work orders, and want to select a work order to put a task on, to filter the work orders visible to only show those associated with the project the task is part of would be amazing.
First of all, I would like to know that are you looking to filter out the data on a particular based on the mirror column or connection column?
If Yes, Then I must say that It is very much possible. You just have to select the column in the filter section.
Please refer the below screen shot.
I am looking to filter the items visible when clicking on a connected board column itself.
If the item I am on has a project number in a column, I only want to see those items with the same project number when selecting which items to connect to in the connect boards column (when I click on the connect boards column itself to pick which item to connect to, filter that list based the value so only ones with the same project number appear as options to link to.)
I may have multiple dispatch orders I need to select from for a particular task, but only want to see dispatch orders related to the same project as the task.
This is only an example. Basically I want to prefilter which items I can select from to create the connection to based on a value of the item I’m trying to connect.
Yes, that feature will be quite useful. It makes board connection a less time consuming task, which could be quite irritating as of now. If this was available I recon the connect board/mirror columns would be used a lot more.
I’d like that feature. For example we have an inventory table which is grouped by inventory types. In the Solar buisness it’s by “Panel”, Ïnverter", “Battery”".
In the job table we have a connection column for Panel, one for Inverter and one for Battery. So when I click on the Panel Column I’d like to see only Panels from the Inventory table
When trying to navigate the connected boards UI to connect an item from another board, I really want to filter the board I’m looking through. Right now it just gives me the main table raw list of items which is typically too long or complex to work with. Please let me set up filters for Connected Board columns! You can even pass those onto the “Group By” to only show groups that are accepted by the Connected Board Column filter.
This would be HUGE because many people use Mirror columns as a workaround to filter down the items by a Connected Board property. However, when it comes to selecting the columns for connecting or Grouping by Connected Board column, the entire list of options comes up.
Adding another comment (and vote) here to say that this would be extremely useful. Is there a solution to this yet?
This is much needed!
I too would like that feature. Our use case is to select team members who speak a specific language for the job. From that connect board it’d be handy to connect team members filtering the ones that speak the required language. Currently it is not visible, and we have to go to the member list board to filter by language and then go back to the main board to select that team member.
100% this is a needed feature. Monday is SO close to being a super tool but stuff like this makes it really not workable.
Please let us filter the connect board items we can pick from!