Financial Coach - centralizing client status tracking and next steps to stay on top of accountability

I use for tracking my clients all in one central place. With other tools I could not see my clients in one spot. It made it painful to know who was “drowning” and I often felt like I was letting things slip between the cracks as I gained more clients. That has all changed with

I use status columns with deadlines to notify me of when to check in with a client, when to follow up, when to nag…I mean ask for that thing again :wink: I can also upload their session notes as documents to save right there in their pulse all in one spot. It helps to quickly see notes between sessions.

I’m working on automating a scheduling reminder to send them if they haven’t booked their next session by a certain date. I’ll need to manually update that date column (ahem integration opportunity, say WHAATT), but SO nice to have that going behind the scenes!

I literally feel like I’m now in the captain’s chair and it’s AMAZING.

In the future I totally can see how I can use integrations to take in consultation requests/new clients so I don’t have to enter that info in anymore.

Woo I love!

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Hi Kaylee!! First of all, welcome to our community :slight_smile: Second, WOW I love your story! Really glad to hear you’re finding success with the platform - nothing like the Captain’s Chair, right?

I have an idea that could help with your automated scheduling reminders - we’ve got an automations recipe that’ll send a custom made email to your clients based on a given Status column’s value on a certain date that you choose.

That’s a pretty robust recipe! If you’ve got any questions at all on how to configure it, just shoot us an email at and we’ll be happy to dive into it with you.

Thanks again!!

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Just a quick thought on your scheduling reminder issue. In addition to the email mentioned you could also look at the new dependency features. If you have a column that says the date you last met with them you could make a new date column dependent on that one which could help trigger the email idea. Also with dependencies if you update the last date you spoke with them your next point of contact date would update. You can set up automations with reminders based on that next point of contact date column, to remind yourself too! Good luck :raised_hands:

P.S. check out form view. Might be a good way for you to have clients contact you or way for new people to register interest.

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It’s working great, thanks!

@Krishele do you mean to say the conditionals in the formula column type? From my understanding, dependencies are between pulses not columns whereas conditionals would be between columns.

You’re certainly onto something here. It’s got me thinking to have a column for “Date of next session” (as I’m constantly referencing my calendar). Then if that is null/empty, it will be used with conditionals and automations to send a reminder by a certain date in another column.

And definitely playing around with forms already. Really love the potential for collecting prospectives’ info that way to mitigate entry errors :smiley:

Shoot that’s true. Dependencies are for pulses. I think there might be automations that move two date columns, which could be another option. Sorry on my phone so can’t check to be sure.