Group By= How to Activate

I turned on Group By on my boards in the Monday.labs.
I’m trying to do that for my team but I no longer see the option in Monday.labs. I don’t even see the option in my Monday lab anymore.
Does anyone know how I can turn this on for others?
Is it now called something else?
Thank you!

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Hey @EPMLIving, sorry for any confusion caused here - I’d be happy to clarify! Currently our product team is still actively working on building this feature to ensure that every piece of data and possible action is clear and performs expectedly. Therefore, as of now, the feature is not currently available to all users, and cannot be granted to accounts. I hope this provides a bit more insight, and please stay tuned for updates :pray:

Hello @BiancaT , I’d like to add my voice to this request. When evaluating it was a feature that helped take the decision to buy it. It’s helping so much with clarity.
Can we ask when you foresee its come back?

Thank you for jumping in. I am sorry for causing any disappointment regarding this feature :frowning: To be totally honest, I am unable to provide a specific date for its release, as this is still something the product team haven’t confirmed due to performance issues with the feature. Please be assured that you will be informed once we have information to share :pray: