Hi guys,
So I shared a dashboard with one of my customers as a guest, and was hoping this is a view only access.
Turned out, my customer can add/ edit/ remove items!
Is this by design? Am I missing anything as by the documentation it should be view-only access
Hi @RyanBY - the permissions in dashboards follow from their source boards. If the source board is open to editing then the guest account will be able to make adjustments via the dashboard widgets.
Double check the permissions on the source board to ensure they are setup appropriately:
Cheers @mark.anley ,
but here is the thing - I want my guests (customers) to have view only access, and my coworkers to have full permissions to write/ update/ add/ delete items.
Hi @RyanBY - and here lies the monday permission conundrum. The best way to get around this would be to set the edit permissions on each column so only owners can adjust then set your coworkers to board owners. Then set the entire board to “write updates only”.
If you don’t want to set your coworkers as owners, you would want to do similar to the above but adjust the board permissions to “edit content”. The drawback with this is that your guests will still have the ability to add/delete items.