Hi all, I am an experienced Work Management user but have never used any of the core Work OS tools (Sales CRM, Dev, Projects, Marketer) apart from a wee peek here and there.
I am hoping some of you can clarify pricing and what features I have access to if i sign up for say Sales CRM Pro and automatically get Work Management too.
From testing and research previously it seemed that in order to use say Sales CRM you also needed Work Management (as is clearly still the case) and you got billed for both, which made it super expensive for only a few additional features in Sales CRM (as compared to just building what you needed in Work Management).
However, I just signed up for a Sales CRM trial as an experiment and, as expected, I got Work Management bundled in there by default (makes sense, it is the platform Sales CRM is built on). However, when I clicked on Upgrade, I was only shown pricing for Sales CRM.
Does this mean that I can sign up for a trial of Sales CRM, upgrade to say Pro level and get all the features of Sales CRM AND Monday Work Management for the price of just one of them?
Conversely, I have a Work Management Pro plan, does this mean I can add Sales CRM or any of the 3 other Work OS tools for no additional charge?
If so great and it makes a lot of sense, but this seems quite a big change from the original pricing structure when they first started releasing Sales CRM.
If somebody can enlighten me I will be eternally grateful! Patrick