Help with Monday CRM System

Hi! So I am hoping someone from the Community can help with this… We started using Monday about 4 months ago. The first task was to create a system for managing our production workflow. We have rolled this out and it is going pretty well.

Our second task was to get a CRM system going. When we first started with Monday I poked around the predefined apps and found this “monday sales CRM - Enterprise Product” I installed it in our system and messed with it a little bit and then left it.

We have recently now gotten back to the CRM initiative. We hired a consultant to migrate data from another system into Monday and bottom line is she f’d it all up. During the import new columns were created, she renamed columns, deleted them, restored them etc. It is a total cluster. :frowning:

I said “no problem - we have all the data I will just blow it all away and start over with reinstalling the template.” However the template is no longer in the app store. I know the two tables that were changed I just don’t know what all the fields were. Can someone who is running this either A) Tell me the fields in “Leads” and “Contacts” OR B) Transfer the full system into our account (minus your data of course)? Apparently there is no UNDO in Monday and I have asked tech support to “roll back” these tables to a date that predates when she started messing with it but I have gotten no answer from them on this yet. Any help you can provide is appreciated - it is holding up our implementation of the system. Thanks!

Hey there,

Are you using the Monday CRM Product? And if so are you on the Enterprise Plan? If that is the case you should have the Template in your store and I can show you how to access it.

Shayan thanks for your reply. We are using Work Management and we are on a Pro plan I think. We are NOT on an Enterprise plan and we are NOT subscribed to Monday CRM. I installed the template when we first started with monday about 4 months ago and it seems to have since disappeared from the store. I am just trying to get the boards back to the way they were about one week ago. I do NOT need to preserve any of the data.
