I wanna hide folders for other users but i wanna to show some data (columns mirroring) on dashboard table. When i give all tables in this folder as private table on dashboard other users (viewers) don’t see data. How to do it this?
In this folders i have many tables and on dashboard have table widget.
Is this the type of feature you’re looking for? From my understanding, you’re looking to set permissions on the folder, while also customising permissions on a user level - i.e. giving users access to connected and mirrored data? Is this correct?
I only wanna hide the folders or table that users don’t see the data from there but they get access to this data. I want to do something like a private table, but I can’t because when I give a mirroring table, they can’t see this data. I want to make a dashboard where all the data is visible, but I want to hide the view of the sources from which this data comes. View only, no access.
So every solution like private table, resticted collum it only gives me half of what it wants, namely it will hide my data but it also blocks me from showing this data in the dashboard.
Thank you for clarifying this! Whilst I hear where you’re coming from, I am afraid at this time in order for users to be able to view data within the dashboard, they will need to have access to the private source (/those hidden tables)- this is simply to maintain the privacy and security of the data within those spaces.
Is this feature request similar to your idea? Having the ability to customise which data/columns users (outside of the private/shareable board) can access? Feel free to add your vote!
We also encourage you to submit a feature request specific to dashboards too