How to delete a column from "Main table"

Hi, I’m a new Monday user.
Could you please tell me, I have the application on my smartphone and have created several tasks. Now I clicked “Main table” to see all the items in the table. I added several columns to this table and deleted the unnecessary ones, but I can’t delete the “Subitems” column, how to do it?
I will be grateful for your answer!

Hi @Harper !

If I understand correctly what you are referring to, subitems are not columns per se.

You can choose to delete them

Or delete subitem columns as you normally would on an item.

Subitems cannot be deactivated ( you do not have the option to disable adding subitems), but they are not necessary to have.

Hope this is what you are looking for!
Giannis, Implementation Consultant at

Thank you for your reply!
Yes, you understood correctly. But my drop-down menu is a little different. It doesn’t have a delete option.

Maybe it is not deletable?

Thank you for your help. The problem has been solved.