Do you have a support team using Zendesk to communicate with clients? Are you looking to connect and assign the developers to follow-up and work on client bugs? With the Zendesk integration, pull real time ticket information into and assign team members accordingly.
Step 1: Build out your board structure.
For my example, I built out a structure that can be used to pull in all the information for a client bug report…
Column Type; Purpose
- Long Text Column (“Description”); Pull in ZD subject line
- Status Column (“Bug Distribution”); Pull in ZD lower level tags
- Checkbox Column (“Paying”); Understand type of account
- Status Column (“Ticket Status”); Pull in ZD ticket status (Ex: Pending)
- Numbers Column (“Account ID”); Pull in account ID for ticket
Step 2: Add the integration and set your ZD conditions.
To add, click integrations > the recipe you’d like to set > add in your conditions. (Tip: An underlined word is a condition that must be set.)
Set the Conditions and map out which data from ZD you’d want to populate in each column.
Important: Once the board is built a ZD Ticket column will appear. This column integrates with ZD and will update the pulse in real time if an update is made to the ticket in ZD. For example, if the ZD ticket status updates to “Hold” then the “Ticket Status” in will update accordingly.
Step 3: Now for the fun part! Let’s automate the process.
If you’re like me, eliminating manual work and touch points is a priority. In order to take the Bug’s board to the next level, let’s add additional automations and integrations.
Step 3(a): Automatically assign team members using the “Assign someone when…” automation.
To add, first we need to add a Status Column. For my example, I’ve added a “Ticket Category” column to breakup bugs based off of the web browser vs. mobile.
Once the column is added, click automations > the “assign someone when…” automation recipe > add in your conditions. (Tip: A recipe will need to be completed for each status value you have).
Woohoo!! It’s that easy! Now when a ticket category is assigned to a bug, the developer will be assigned automatically in the person column.
Step 3(b): Automatically notify the client when a bug is complete.
To add, first we need to add a Status Column. For my example, I’ve added a “Bug Status” column to track the status of each bug.
Once the column is added, click ZD integrations >click the recipe: “when a status changes to something, notify the reporter of ticket ID > add in your conditions.
Important: The notify section will be the body of the email.
Now when the status on a bug is marked as “Done,” a client will be automatically notified!
Step 4: You’re done!! The developers will be able to manage all bugs within one place and automatically communicate with clients without having to keep reinventing the wheel. It’s that easy To learn more click here.
If your company uses for bug reporting in a different way, feel free to share. Just add an explanation on this thread