I imported an Excel file to create a new board. I have an Item column that I can’t delete. Can I somehow the delete the Item column?
Can I set my text columns to left justified?
Thanks for any help.
I imported an Excel file to create a new board. I have an Item column that I can’t delete. Can I somehow the delete the Item column?
Can I set my text columns to left justified?
Thanks for any help.
Hi Alan,
I am afraid it isn’t possible to delete the item column:
To clarify, would you instead like for the data in the text column to populate those item fields?
Hi, Bianca,
I would like to create a board from this spreadsheet. What is the best way to do this?
Alan Halley
Hi Alan,
To set up a board using the spreadsheet import, you’ll typically need to do a little prep cleanup to make your spreadsheet fit the desired board model.
Are you wanting to use this board as a database with responses to those questions for an undetermined number of proposed mobile applications? If so I assume you would want to have the board items to be the distinct “Applications to review,” and the “Type” could be a status column category or just group, with a text column for each question.
When using the board to evaluate an app, you would create a new item with the name of the application, and then fill out the answer to each of the columns/questions.
If you wanted to have a user-friendly way to enter responses, or solicit from others, you can set up a Form view:
I know that was a lot, I hope it’s clear and helpful!
Shawna from Launch Point
–If you should want more customized support, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at info@launchpointco.com
Hey Alan,
There are a couple of different options here. Personally, I’d break up the type categories into groups and utilise the items for the questions. I’d then set up a text or long text column for answers:
Another approach is to utilise subitems for the questions and items for the type category:
What do you think?
Hi, Bianca,
I think that groups of items or items with subitems would work.
Hi, Shawna,
I agree that a form is probably the best way for users to submit a project request. This list of questions comes from PMI’s Citizen Developer Practitioner Toolbox, so it’s very general. I can see editing the questions to meet each client’s specific needs. But I have a starting point.
Hi, Bianca,
Items and subitems almost worked, but I finally just embedded the spreadsheet in a board.