Import Excel to Create Board

I imported an Excel file to create a new board. I have an Item column that I can’t delete. Can I somehow the delete the Item column?

Can I set my text columns to left justified?

Thanks for any help.


Hi Alan,

I am afraid it isn’t possible to delete the item column:

To clarify, would you instead like for the data in the text column to populate those item fields?

Hi, Bianca,

I would like to create a board from this spreadsheet. What is the best way to do this?


Alan Halley

Hi Alan,

To set up a board using the spreadsheet import, you’ll typically need to do a little prep cleanup to make your spreadsheet fit the desired board model.

Are you wanting to use this board as a database with responses to those questions for an undetermined number of proposed mobile applications? If so I assume you would want to have the board items to be the distinct “Applications to review,” and the “Type” could be a status column category or just group, with a text column for each question.

  1. In the spreadsheet, add a column header to label what will be the unique identifier.
    Based on what I’m seeing, I think you’d want to call them “Applications.” You can also drag the Type column to re-order so the “Question” is the first column if you did want to match your spreadsheet, and the first column becomes items of all the questions, you can stop here and do the re-upload into
  2. Copy the text from the whole spreadsheet
  3. Open a new spreadsheet tab
  4. Perform a Paste Transpose by selecting the top left cell, right click, and choose “Paste Special” and then “Transpose”.
    This flip flops the rows/columns to create a spreadsheet with just headers/columns.
  5. Repeat the upload process into Be sure to select a Status type column for “Type”, and a text/long text for the “Answer”

When using the board to evaluate an app, you would create a new item with the name of the application, and then fill out the answer to each of the columns/questions.

If you wanted to have a user-friendly way to enter responses, or solicit from others, you can set up a Form view:

  1. On the monday board, create a new View > Form
  2. Update the item name description to be “Application”
    Consider adding additional identifying columns, like who submitted the form
  3. Review the form for accuracy
  4. Issue the form to the respondents
  5. Receive responses where the item name will be the respondents “Your Name” response

I know that was a lot, I hope it’s clear and helpful!

Shawna from Launch Point

–If you should want more customized support, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at

Hey Alan,

There are a couple of different options here. Personally, I’d break up the type categories into groups and utilise the items for the questions. I’d then set up a text or long text column for answers:

Another approach is to utilise subitems for the questions and items for the type category:

What do you think? :slight_smile:

Hi, Bianca,

I think that groups of items or items with subitems would work.


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Hi, Shawna,

I agree that a form is probably the best way for users to submit a project request. This list of questions comes from PMI’s Citizen Developer Practitioner Toolbox, so it’s very general. I can see editing the questions to meet each client’s specific needs. But I have a starting point. :grinning:


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I created a form with the who, what, why, etc. questions. This seems a good UI to me…

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Hi, Bianca,

Items and subitems almost worked, but I finally just embedded the spreadsheet in a board.

