Is it possible for someone not on Monday to make a change on my board?


I will give a simple example to try to illustrate my question.

Let’s say I interact with people not using monday. Person “A” requests a product/service and person “B” has to authorize (or not) that request, and I am the one keeping track of whats is happening.
So what I did was I created a form that “A” answers and then an iten is created on my board. Then I notify “B” via email. Then I made the board recognize the reply to that email and add as an update. The problem is that I have to check the updates and make the changes manually, for example in a column to set if it was authorized or not. Is there a way for “B” to make a change in that column?

Or for example, is it possible to create a new form for “B” an make it related to the answers “A” gave me?

Hey Rafa,

If you invite the non monday users as viewers to the board, they’re able to add to the updates section of the item. That said, in your case, I’d recommend instead inviting the users as guests into the board so that they can make the changes across the board.