Is possible to create a subitem from a subitem?

Is possible to create a subitem from a subitem?

You want something like that? If yes then it is possible as you can see automation.

Hi @brianwbates

You have the application below

Yes, you can use the Unlimited Subitems app but I couldn’t use it for 2 reasons.
The app works by copyingg your board in 2 views - one is called Legacy, which has known issues and therefore best deleted or not used. The other view can be used, however the subitems are not copied over in the same order as the original, and there is no workaround to re-order them.

For me, I need work to be completed in a particular sequence. So the change in the order of sub-items is a no-go, as is the lack of a workaround to correct the order.

Secondly, because I am working on a copy, changes to the original will not flow through.

I hope they fix this soon, or adds this feature themselves.

I went to use the Unlimited Subitems program, but was met with two major difficulties. First, the software divides the board into two perspectives, with the ‘Legacy’ view being problematic and should be removed. The alternate view is unable to recreate subitems in their original order, which is a serious problem for individuals that require a precise sequence. Second, because it acts on a duplicate, any changes to the original will not be synchronized. This constraint makes real-time collaboration and updates difficult. We are eagerly awaiting developer upgrades or an integrated solution from to fix these critical concerns and improve the user experience.