Item Descriptions - Set rich-text descriptions for each of your board items

SpicyTab just launched a new app for Monday - Item descriptions!

We saw a need internally to have an option to set rich-text descriptions for each of our items.

Originally, it was made for internal use, as we lacked a way to describe the tasks that we’ve assigned to people internally.

Talking to a few companies we’re working closely with made us realize –we’re not the only ones who need more robust item descriptions. So here we are, sharing what we’ve made with the world!

The Item Description app has a WYSWYG editor with a number of formatting options:

  • Headings
  • Bold text
  • Underline text
  • Italic text
  • Text alignment
  • Ordered lists and sublists
  • Unordered lists and sublists
  • Page breaks

These formatting options allow you to outline the task brief, emphasizing the most important parts.


The app can be installed from here.

Have feedback or improvement ideas?
Please send us any feedback or ideas, we would love to hear them. Our CEO is eagerly waiting for you.

Thank you for sharing your plugin for rich text descriptions, Nikola! You have filled an obvious hole in’s core product.

Glad you found the app useful! It was our pleasure to work on it!

wait! do you have to pay for that?
guys, this is a basic function in every project management software Ive been using so far :exploding_head:

Hi, I’m having trouble getting the Item Description subscription to stick. I’ve purchased it as far as I can tell, quit and restarted (and my computer) several times now, but the “buy a subscription” dialog keeps coming up. Not sure what I’m doing wrong. We’re on quarterly billing, if that makes a difference somehow?

Hey Will,

Subscriptions are handled by

Can you please reach out to us at, and we can loop everyone that’s needed in order to get to the bottom of this?

Thank you, Nikola

Hey guys,

Small update for the recent stuff that has been going on!

We’ve redesigned the app, added new options (such as tables) and support for markdown!

Hi Nikola,

This looks like much needed functionality. Thank you for developing it.

Can you please clarify the pricing? Is it $3 per month for the entire org? Or $3/mo/user (so $300/mo. for 100 users)?

Thanks, David

Hey David,

It is $3/mo per entire org :slight_smile:


This looks like a very promising app. I am considering to add this to our account. Could you please confirm if this can be connected to the description column on the board. It would be great if we can do that or use automations along with this plug in.

Thank you in advance.



I’m afraid it can’t, for couple of reasons:

  1. Description column in the board itself does not have any formatting options, so when we tried that, the text just looked off. On top of that, we save the text with a lot of metadata that allows us to create said formatting, so unless parssed (in which case, some of the data such as tables loses it’s context) - It is not even readable in the columns
  2. Description columns have a character limit - The limit is around 2000 chars. In some cases, that might be sufficient, but in a lot of cases it is not.

Because of that, we had to abandon that idea.

I would love to hear your ideas about automations though, would you be willing to share any details how you would use those? You can either share it here, or email me directly at


@NikolaMastilovic Is there a way to use the Item Description app on a form in Monday?

If not, is there a way to create an automation using the “Show update question” within the form and have the info that is provided there populate in the Item Description field of a task?

Hey @csmith !

No, there is no such option, but I love the idea. Let me check with the team what is needed to make that happen.

Thanks, Nikola

Thank you for the quick reply @NikolaMastilovic!

Our account is currently using the 2 week free trial and we are hoping to have this app solve for some issues we’ve been having with our intake workflow. If a way is found to incorporate this app into the forms on Monday, we really think this could be our solution.

Please let me know if you need any other info!


Hi @NikolaMastilovic ,

We use an item description plugin to save data in rich text format on So my question is, could I read that same rich text data in one of the monday…com graphql APIs?

Hey @vishallimgire !

Good question. Even though draft descriptions are saved in monday’s storage, the way monday has built it - It is not accessible by anyone but the app using it. So, I’m afraid that the answer is no at this point.

Thank you @NikolaMastilovic your feedback

@NikolaMastilovic Can any users on the board edit the item description or only the creator? thanks!

Hey! Any user can make changes, as long as he is a member or an admin. Viewers can not :slight_smile: