Link Board to an Item

We have a current job summary board. And I would like to link the job specific board to the it’s job pulse on the summary board. I know you can copy the URL and do it that way, but we all use the desktop app. Is there a way to do that without opening up the browser?

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Hey @briennemartin! Sorry for the delayed response but have you tried creating a high level dashboard for this? I’d recommend using the Table widget so this way you can include groups of your choice from multiple boards that you want. We have an article for it in our support page if you like -
The Table Widget

Let me know if that helps what you’re looking for! :slight_smile:

@briennemartin Did this answer your question?

I also have that request. I’ve just opened the table widget to experiment with. Thanks for the idea. It doesn’t seem to quite allow me to do what I need.

For example, I have an overview board with pulses that each relate to 1 project. These have columns that allow me to view specific data that is relevant at a high level. I also have a board for each project where the tasks for that job are broken down. I want to be able to have the item name link directly to the more detailed project board. Basically I want some kind of ability to link or reference another area in Monday. This allows me to use different columns and ways of viewing that data. The table widget doesn’t seem to allow this, and also forces me to retain group titles, etc. Whereas, on the overview list I want to be able to resort those pulses by priority.

Any thoughts?

Yes! I would like to achieve the same thing. We are using a link column to link the Workflow board to the Summary board, but this is a manual process every time. We using this feature for all kinds of things and I think it would be a great feature to have.

There are a number of automations that facilitate making these connections automatically. Here are some of them (to see the rest, search on “connect item” in the automations page:

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