Link in monday to a finder-folder (in macos)

Is there any chance to create a link in our monday tool which i can redirect to a folder.

Background: We are using monday as a creative agency. In projects we are working on customer files and need to open the folders always new. If there would be a chance to just once put in the Folder-Link into monday (in an own column) it would save us some time. If i click on the link, the finder needs to open the folder i set in the link

Hey @artkurat,

Thanks for your feature request :pray:

Can you confirm if what you’re referring to is addressed in the existing feature request here, Link-Column with a Local Link (not Web-Link)?

If this is the case, we’d love to merge the 2 request to increase votes, and put greater emphasis on this need.

You can read more about our feature request process here: All you need to know about our feature request process!

Hey Bianca,

yes it is the same :slight_smile: I searched but didn’t find a topic similar to ours – but that’s it.

Mit kreativen GrĂĽĂźen

Benjamin Sen


<img width=“377” height=“94” style=“width:3.927in;height:.9791in” id=“Grafik_x0020_3” src=“//” alt="Ein Bild, das Text enthält.

Automatisch generierte Beschreibung">


Syker StraĂźe 263 | 27751 Delmenhorst

Tel.: 04221-5923325 | Mobil: 0176-62919470

/var/folders/sd/7kzsxp1n0y7fjbnk5nshjfvm0000gn/T/ |

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Thanks for confirming Benjamin - no worries! :slight_smile:

A post was merged into an existing topic: Link-Column with a Local Link (not Web-Link)