Linking columns from database to task board (high level low level)

I made a quick video to show where I’m at. Would appreciate some insight and maybe pointing me in a direction. Seems like there’s a simpler way to do this.

I need this too!

I have two connected boards one for adding the details of a reservation which creates a pulse in another board and make them connected. But the connection only happens in the board that I’ve added the pulse in the board where the “secondary” pulse was created automatically I can’t find a way to connect back to the pulse that originated this secondary pulse sorta speak.

I looked through all the recipes but nothing seems to do that.

It so obvious that when I create a recipe that creates a pulse in other board I’d want to create a bidirectional linkage that I can’t wrap my head around the fact that this is not avaliable yet.

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You are now able to set up bi-directional linkage through custom automations. When setting up the automation in custom automations you will be able to connect the item on both boards by choosing both boards from the dropdown:

This automatic linkage to both boards will allow you get the closing date onto your first board automatically through the mirror column.

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