Monday app publishment

Hi, i have make live my app and published for marketplace but it is rejected by the monday support team. Their response is

Thank you for submitting your SyncOdoo app to the marketplace. We appreciate your interest and your efforts to build an app that can enhance the experience for our users.
Unfortunately, we are unable to accept your app at this time, as it does not meet our criteria for inclusion in the marketplace. To appear in the marketplace, monday apps must be built on the monday app framework and implement one or more monday features (integrations, views, widgets) using our app infrastructure.

We encourage you to update your app to meet these requirements and resubmit it for consideration. To get started, please visit our Developer section by going to Avatar > Developers and hitting ‘Create App’. Once you have completed the process, you can hit the ‘Publish’ button to generate a valid monday app.

For more details on the monday app framework, please refer to this link: What is a monday app?. We believe that with some revisions, your app has the potential to be a valuable addition to the marketplace and benefit our users.
Thank you again for your interest in the marketplace. We hope to see more apps from you in the future.

Could anyone help me out what changes are required? I have implemented board view feature.

Hey @Developer,

Thanks for raising :pray:

I’ve been in discussion with our apps team who shared some documentation they recommend you refer to. The documentation has all the required components that your app must have for approval. Please see the checklist here → App review checklist.

We also encourage you to check out our developer community for additional resources, which I’ll leave here for your reference → monday Apps & Developers - monday Community Forum.

You’re welcome to reach out to me if you have some further feedback or queries after reviewing the documentation!