Need Full Email & Activities Fuctionality For Subitems

This one seems like a VERY EASY one to fix and add to the CRM quickly.

For some reason Sub-items in the CRM DO NOT have the full Email & Activities options. Only a very basic note taking option.

  1. We NEED the full Email & Activity features for notes for all sub-items in the CRM
  2. This includes the ability to create a NEW EMAIL in the notes section for all sub-items in the CRM
  3. This includes the full ADD ACTIVITY options in the notes section for all sub-items in the CRM.

It makes not sense why the parent line has these features but the sub-items do not. Each sub-item is it’s own individual potential sale and has its own associated noted, email string, etc.

Please contact me to discuss but this should be a VERY easy one to implement quickly as part of the CRM in

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This has been resolved and is working perfectly now for the subitems. Thank you Barry from for the help.